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  • Kinsey Weber

Our class is thriving with the thawing snow...

Thank you to your children for their amazing work this week! I am always so amazed at what they can do when they try their best and dedicate themselves to learning. We have started a new routine called Word Work that is expanding our phonics and decoding skillsets (which are both critical pieces for reading and writing). Every morning, I give the children a set of letters and we make words with them (see the photos for an example). They share the words they see 'hidden' in the letters and when we've assembled enough words, we use them to make sentences and draw pictures of what we wrote! Please ask your child about this routine as it's been one of everyone's favorite parts of the day.

Volleyball is rolling along... we are learning not to be scared of the ball and working on bumping, setting, and underhand tosses. Thanks to the awesome folks at student care for putting up the nets!

This week we celebrated Pink Shirt Day by completing some contour drawings of our classmates' faces and adding words that represent strategies for dealing with bullying. Our class is finishing coloring in these drawings and I can't wait to post the results!

Thanks as always to you, our families, for being amazing sources of love and support for these children in their learning journeys!

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